Dominicana Baseball


Parent & Player Agreement / Registration

This is an Agreement to participate in a competitive baseball program. By signing this Agreement you are consenting to be bound by the conditions set forth in this Agreement, including the requirement to pay fees associated with participation in the program as listed on this website.

DOMINICANA Baseball strives to provide opportunities for higher skill-level development, competition, and commitment to the game of baseball. Participation in the team requires commitment and dedication from all participants and parents. As a member of Dominicana Baseball, my player and I will abide by the following rules and requirements:

  • Make all reasonable effort to be on time and attend scheduled events including practices, games, and tournaments.

  • Provide coaches with advance notice if unable to attend an event.

  • Treat teammates, coaches, umpires, and opponents with respect at all times as outlined in the Dominicana Baseball Code of Conduct.

  • Come prepared with a good attitude ready to work hard and have fun.

All decisions regarding playing time, playing position(s), and any other aspect of competition are made at the sole discretion of the team coach. If you have questions with respect to these items, you can request a discussion with the team coach. All decisions made by the coach regarding playing time and position(s) are final. No player or parent is entitled to a certain minimum or equal amount of playing time or entitled to play any particular position. All decisions made by the coach(es) will be based upon his or her judgement about what is best for the team given the circumstances such as league play versus competition, playoff game versus pool play, injuries, etc. Playing time is determined by attendance, attitude, effort, performance, athlete potential, current team need, future team need, and is left solely to the discretion of the coach. Coaching decisions are not up for debate or question. It is the athlete’s responsibility to ask the coach how they can improve to get more playing time. Players will be expected to play any position to benefit team performance and personal growth.

Absent an emergency, you must inform your coach if you are going to miss practice or a league game. Absent an emergency, if you are not going to be able to participate in a tournament, you must notify the coach at least THREE weeks in advance. A certain minimum number of players is required to play in leagues and tournaments. If a player fails to show up to play when planned upon, then that adversely impacts the team’s ability to participate in events and may necessitate getting guest players. Prior notice is key to accommodating these situations. There is no credit or refund for missing a tournament, game, or other event.

Termination of Membership

It is understood that players and/or parents may decide not to continue play with DOMINICANA Baseball. Issues may arise at different times because of many reasons such as, but not limited to, a family moving, player injury, or joining a different team. Such a decision or event does NOT relieve the parent from the financial responsibility agreed upon under this Agreement. By signing this Agreement you are making a commitment with other members of the team to share in associated costs and fees for participating in different events. These events require payment up front and are non-refundable to the team. Your decision to terminate your participation with DOMINICANA Baseball is a voluntary choice and the balance of your fees will be due according to this Agreement and outlined on this website.

Explanation of Fees

DOMINICANA Baseball fees cover registration fees for varying tournaments, such as RMSB or SU Baseball, as well as different leagues. Team jersey, hat, coaching and facility fees can also be built into these fees. Fee details and what is included will be outlined and described on this website under the team Store categorized as Team ONLY.

Fees / Deposits / Registrations

Depending on tournament and league fee payments requirements, deposits may be required to ensure a spot on the team. Tournament and/or league waivers, copy of birth certificate, etc. are often required for entrance into different tournaments and leagues. These must be accomplished according to dates requested on this website. Payments can be made through this website via PayPal, on the mobile site via Venmo, or via Square. Use of credit card via Paypal or Square will be charged an additional 3% processing fee.

In the event your account becomes delinquent, you agree to pay all past due fees and any acquired collection fees, court costs, and attorney’s fees incurred in enforcing this Agreement.

***Fees are non-refundable and no credit shall be given.***

Team Communications

Announcements, notifications, schedules, and communications for teams will be posted on this website under specific team age group. The GroupMe app will also be leveraged for communication and can be downloaded for real-time communication and updates. GroupMe is a communication platform that falls under guidelines established by the Dominicana Baseball Code of Conduct.